Many gardeners say that this is the ultimate in mowers. It has everything ‚ it‚Äôs self-propelled, has variable speed transmission, sports a superb 167cc Honda petrol engine, boasts a Twinclip cutting system and a stunning design to maximise airflow – resulting in an ultimate grass cut. And lots more‚Ķ
The SP555V is a fantastic mower. The engine is the new powerful and reliable Honda GCVx170 Autochoke. And it can cut and cut well. The cutting width is 53cm so it will make light work of medium to larger lawns.The Twinclip blade has four cutting surfaces instead of two that makes tackling the grass an effortless task while leaving a finish that is comparable to a cylinder mower. The first cutting edge of the Twinclip blade reduces the initial length of the grass with the second cutting edge reducing the finished length down to the desired height. Use the single lever to change the height of the cutting blade ‚ there are seven to choose from depending on grass length and condition.The vibration control system isolates vibration resulting in a more comfortable and enjoyable cutting experience. The cuttings can either be collected in the 70-litre canvas grass collection bag or, using the mulching plug, can be finely chopped as you mow with the cuttings being redistributed back onto the lawn surface. This saves you time by not having to empty the collection bag, and you are adding vital nutrients back into the soil supporting your lawn.The anti-scalp plate at the front of the mower helps to ensure the best quality finish to your lawn and improves airflow to optimise collection. The chassis is galvanised steel and aluminium ensuring the perfect combination of strength and grace. What else can a mower offer? Of course, it‚Äôs easy to clean with the built-in hose connector and the handlebars are a click away from three different resting positions, making storing the mower simple.And it‚Äôs all backed by a 5-year extended warranty (T&Cs apply). What a mower!For advice on the Lawnmower best suited to your requirements please call our Technical Helpline on 01493 751659 or contact your local Mountfield Dealer who will be happy to advise you.Please allow up to 7 working days for delivery, however, if your local dealer has the machine in stock then delivery would normally be much sooner.This premium delivery service is available free of charge with this machine
Technical specs
SKU Check: 294563033/M22